our activities.

Board Meetings

GISA Board meetings are always open to the IHEID’s community, including the whole Student Body, Faculty, and the Administration of the Institute. During the 2023-24 school year, Board meetings take place from 17:30h-19:30h. If you are interested in attending one of the meetings as part of the Institute’s community, feel free to join us.

Equally, please feel free to consult our minutes and agendas.

Interested in a specific issue?

If you are interested in a specific issue discussed by the GISA Board or a decision in particular, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

The meeting minutes document details the latest updates from the GISA Executive Committee and the Specialized Committees, voting held on topics brought up by the GISA Board, and voting held on topics brought by the Student Community. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the General Assemblies or something in particular about this document, again, please get in touch with our Administrative Director at gisa.admin@graduateinstitute.ch.

GISA Budget

Please go here to review the latest GISA Annual Budget.

*To access the budget document you need to be logged into Google with your @graduateinstitute.ch account

GISA Statutes & Specialized Committee Statues

GISA Statutes can be accessed here.

The Environmental Committee's Statues can be accessed here.

The Welfare Committee's Statutes can be accessed here.

The Professional Development Committee's Statutes can be accessed here.