student  initiatives.

Student initiatives are clubs, or student organizations, formed and coordinated by current IHEID students of any program and year. Some are connected with outside organizations. Others are organizations unique to IHEID.

Every year students who are inspired in a certain area can send a budget request to GISA for funding for their own student initiative. This funding can go towards events, websites, promotions, public relations, or anything else a student might need to accomplish their organizational goals.

​To join a student initiative β€” Most initiatives have their page on the GISA website, which contains the contacts of its members. Feel free to visit any of these sites and discover more about the opportunities presented to you at IHEID.

Resources for Current or Future Initiatives


Let’s get introduced!

More Initiatives

Black Conversations


Critical Theory Reading Group

Feminist Collective (FemCol)

Geneva Consulting Network (CCN)

IHEID Parent Initiative

Junior Diplomat Initiative Switzerland (JDI)

Migration Initiative

Open Economics

Queer International Student Assembly (QISA)

South East European Initiative (SEEI)

Student Initiative on Asia (SIA)

The Geneva Debate

Water Initiative

Rare Voices in Economics